Salix gracilistyla 'Mt Aso' – japanese pink pussy willow
Medium height shrub with loose, flattish round habit. Attractive due to the extremely ornate, red-pink catkins. Variety comes from Japan. Found on the slope of the highest active volcano in the country – Aso mountain.
Reaches to 1.5 m in height. Green, lance-shaped leaves are covered with silvery tomentum underside. The fluffy, red-pink inflorescences (catkins) appearing in February are particularly outstanding. The original of the catkin brings a new quality to the assortment of ornamental plants in the winter.
Shrub with low requirements in terms of substrate, though it grows best in fertile, moist soils in sunny locations. Resistant to frost, zone 4. Recommended for use in home gardens and parks. Flowering stems are suitable for bouquets – undeveloped catkins develop 3–4 days after cutting.