This year’s price list includes over 400 novelties.
Compared to the previous years, we have extended our assortment of Magnolia. This time we recommend to pay special attention to a wide range of the newest varieties of these charming trees. We have also extended our assortment of perennials, one can find among others Nymphaea.
This year we have introduced another variety cultivated by us – Weigela florida LIME MONSTER ‘BRS1’ PBR that you can see on the cover page. This is a variety of Weigela with the largest leaves (they are even up to 25 cm long). They are outstanding because of their lime green color and bended leaves.
We would like to emphasize the fact that in order to make your gardening works more comfortable, majority of plants produced by us are placed on a special type of mulch, which reduces weeds growth and is beneficial also during the next season.
At your request, we can send you a printed catalogue free of charge -> This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..